MOTO 9 The Movie: Extreme Sports Movie Review
Moto 9 The Movie is the 9th installment in this documentary series.
With just the sound of what I first thought was a motorbike/dirt bike in the background, the movie starts out on an open road and that’s when I got hyped. What’s gonna happen?
The list of riders in the film include: Christian Craig, Zach Osborne, Marvin Musquin, Adam Cianciarulo, Shaun Palmer, Ben Townley, Harry Bink, Cooper Webb, Robby Marshall, Carson Mumford, Bodhi Parsons, Kris Foster, Mike Kranyak, Dereck Beckering, Justin Hill, Paul DeCotis, Aaron Plessinger
The film brings with it this level of anticipation and excitement. That may be because it’s my first time seeing the series, but beyond that, the film really does a great job of showcasing the landscape and the sports equipment well.
The magic only continues from there as the film takes you through several locations. The film’s description includes “journey to the world’s most incredible riding locations.” We see:
Gold Coast Queensland, Australia (Harry Bink)
With these locations as the backdrop, the bike stands out. I’ll definitely be checking the previous 8 installments and maybe compare to see how the series has progressed over the years.
With slo-mo, close-ups, high energy music, you’ll have a good time watching this one. You see each rider highlight moments and them in their element. From riding in the woods, through a junkyard and even at Nitro Circus, the energy keeps going in this film.
Check out the trailer below.
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